August 15, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
During the general meeting on September 5, 2023, the Trial Committee will present a report on their investigation into an Article L Charge; filed by one member of LL1681 against another member. The meeting will be held in Calgary beginning at 1800hrs at the Royal Canadian Legion Chapelhow Branch #284 (606 38 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8J9).
Following the report, a vote will be held to accept or reject the Trial Committee’s recommendation on whether the charge warrants a trial. The vote will be conducted by secret ballot. Only members attending the meeting who are in good standing per the IAM&AW Constitution Article II SEC. 4 (see attached) may vote.
Anyone with questions regarding this matter should speak with President Eljay Camponi directly. He may be reached via email at ecamponi@iamaw1681.ca or via phone/text at (403)968-8835.
In Solidarity,
Robert Nolan
Recording Secretary
Excerpt from: International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Constitution, January 1, 2023.
Article II SEC 4. Page 9, Lines 15-30
Whenever the term “good standing” is used with reference to a member in this Constitution, it shall mean any person who has fulfilled the requirements for membership as prescribed herein and who has not voluntarily withdrawn therefrom, become ineligible for continued membership, or been suspended or expelled as provided in this Constitution or in the bylaws of subordinate lodges approved as required under this Constitution. Members who fail to pay their dues, assessments, or other fees within the periods required by this Constitution or the bylaws of the L.L. or D.L. will be subject to automatic cancellation of membership. Members who are not in good standing are not entitled to any voice or vote or participation in any of the affairs of the G.L. or any of its subordinate bodies except as otherwise permitted under this Constitution