The executive board of the Northern Crossroads Local Lodge 1681 is appealing to the general membership to draw on their experiences, imagination, and creativity to help design a logo for the local. The logo will become part of the official letterhead and appear on future apparel such has hats, shirts, and hoodies.
What can be used in the design? Anything related to the aviation industry and what we do: aircraft, engines, GSE etc. The overall concept is to design a logo, incorporating the name Northern Crossroads.
How do I submit an entry? Directly to any executive board member, or via email executive@iamaw1681.ca
What is the deadline? Entries will be accepted up to and including the date of the June executive meeting in Edmonton (June 6th)
Let your imagination guide you and have some fun with this! The executive board will review all entries and choose the best design. A prize will be awarded to the best entry.
In Solidarity,
Russ Dillon
Interim Recording Secretary/Educator