February 23, 2023
Good afternoon, Union Brothers & Sisters,
At the February 7, 2023, general meeting, Brother Malik Ali, Brother Michael Glover, and Sister Adele Van Arkens accepted their nomination from the floor to represent LL1681 as Delegates at the upcoming 23rd Annual DL 140 Convention in Montreal.
In the DL 140 Bylaws, Article 4.06 ‘Representation and Vote’ states that: “District Lodge Delegates must qualify as per the provisions of Article 5.07” ‘Qualifications for Office.’ Article 5.07 prescribes that, “Any member in continuous good standing within an affiliated Local Lodge under the District Lodge, shall be entitled to run for District office.” The Candidates must:
(A) be members who are and have been in continuous good standing for at least two (2) years prior to
the date of the close of District Lodge nominations
(B) have attended 50% of the regular quorum of Local Lodge meetings that their shifts or assignments would allow during the twelve (12) months prior to the close of District Lodge nominations.
After reviewing attendance records (i.e., membership sign-in book) with the Conductor Sentinel, it has been determined that neither of these three (3) candidates are in good standing, as they did not attend the requisite number of meetings required over the past year 2022.
Consequently, these three (3) members are ineligible to run as delegates to the DL 140 Convention, thus their names will not appear on the ballot. We do thank these three (3) members for their interest to represent the Membership at this important annual conference. As always, all members are encouraged to attend as many general meetings as is possible, since this is the forum which enables members to actively participate in lodge business and to remain informed on the latest happenings of the lodge and in the workplace. It also ensures the member’s eligibility to have their name stand as a nominee in any
future elections.
As a reminder, if a member is scheduled to work their regular shift on the day a general meeting is to be held, (i.e., not a shift trade or overtime), they can be considered ‘Excused.’ This provides the member credit, as though they attended the meeting! To do this, just send an email to the Conductor Sentinel requesting to be excused from the meeting. The email address is: tchrupalo@iamaw1681.ca.
In Solidarity,
Russ Dillon
Interim Recording Secretary