Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Further to DL140 Bulletin No. 15, issued on March 10, 2015, Transportation District 140 representatives met with Air Canada on April 16 & 17, 2015 with Mediator Vincent Ready at the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) offices in Toronto.
These meetings were held in an effort to move forward on a mediated settlement that would provide job security for our Members and protect the scope work of the IAMAW within all business units operating under the Air Canada commercial brand.
After nearly eighteen (18) months of meetings with Air Canada we have been unable to make any meaningful headway in obtaining an agreement to protect our Member’s jobs under the new Air Canada corporate commercial structure, and the parties are currently at an impasse on several key issues. As such, the IAMAW was left with no choice but to instruct our Legal Counsel to expedite litigation before the CIRB with respect to our Common Employer applications.
At the same time the IAMAW also advised Air Canada and Mediator Vince Ready that we are prepared in the meantime to continue to seek a mediated resolution to these extremely important issues.
Mediator Vince Ready has now directed the parties to meet with him on April 27 & 28, 2015 in Vancouver to “explore options” for finding a mutually beneficial agreement.
The IAMAW will continue to re-assess this process and the course of action necessary in order to ensure the best outcome for our Members.
The IAMAW will continue to provide further information as it becomes available.
In Solidarity,
Fred Hospes,
President & Directing General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW
Bulletin 022 – AIR CANADA – AC Rouge Sky Regional Common Employer Update (English)