DL140 Bulletin011 – Shift Trades & Positive Pay

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We have all seen and heard the latest News Release on shift trades and positive pay.

It seems that this is the reward our members receive for their hard work and dedication that brought this company back to profitability.

Your IAM Union leadership has met internally to determine the required steps in order to effectively protect our members’ shift trades and quality of life.

As such we will be seeking an immediate cease and desist order from an Arbitrator in an effort to maintain the original shift trade process until such time, that we can get our case presented by our legal counsel, in front of an Arbitrator.

What this means is, the Union wants an Arbitrator to order, the original shift trade and pay process to stay in place.

In the meantime we ask you to be cautious reacting to some of the news being put out there.

We understand the importance of having flexibility and being paid correctly. The new program issued by the Company is a very important issue to us all.

Please contact your local Shop Committee if you have any questions about these issues.

In Solidarity,

Tony Didoshak General Chairperson Western Region

Gary Sinclair General Chairperson Central Region
