Dear Sisters and Brothers,
On or about August 30th, 2021, IAM District Lodge 140 filed policy grievances challenging the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies with most of the employers represented by District 140 in Canada.
Your Union, led by our legal counsel took the largest of these grievances (Air Canada) forward as precedent-setting on all the policy grievances filed, and depending on the results, would review the other grievances filed on behalf of our membership from the other employers to determine how and if to proceed.
After multiple date hearings and almost two (2) years challenging this matter, it has finally concluded. On May 11th, 2023, Arbitrator Vince Ready rendered his decision and unfortunately dismissed the Union’s grievance.
Any member employed with Air Canada, who filed an individual grievance based upon the employer’s policy or who is part of the national grievance, will be receiving a letter in the coming weeks that advises of their grievance dismissal. Any member who has an accommodation grievance based upon the employer’s policy will be proceeding to an expedited format of arbitration, where an arbitrator will render a decision individually on the merits of those accommodation denials.
As per District 140 bylaws and policies, we will now be setting up General Chairperson reviews on all other policy grievances with the other employers represented by the IAM in District 140, that have been held in abeyance. Members from these employers who have filed an individual grievance based upon the employer’s policy should receive notice of the decision of the review committees in the coming weeks.
For members who have accommodation grievances based upon an employer’s policy, other than Air Canada, the Union will be contacting those employers to propose a similar expedited format of arbitration in the next few months.
We understand the process is long and tedious and we thank you for your patience. As more information is available, we will notify the membership promptly.
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers
Steve Prinz
Kevin Timms
Mahmoud Khatib
Lou Pagrach
Dan Janssen
Ed Hepburn
Serge Gelinas
Guillaume Lingat
Tony Didoshak
Todd Haverstock
Tayeb Lharti
Tania Caniff
Peter Tsoukalas
Satwant Saini
Michael Corrado