Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The Transportation District 140 Executive Board is looking to fill in the current vacant position. One (1) – District 140 Eastern Region Executive Board Air Transport Position. The Eastern Region includes Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces.
Any Member in good standing and meeting the qualification requirements in Article 5.07 of the DL140 Bylawswill be eligible to run. Those qualifications are:
a) A minimum of two (2) years continuous good standing in the IAMAW.
b) Attended a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of regular quorum meetings of the Local Lodge
that their shifts would allow in the previous twelve (12) months prior to the close of nominations.
c) Any Member wishing to be a Candidate must submit a letter, to the DL140 Secretary- Treasurer,
that if nominated the said member would accept the nomination. Included with this letter, there
must be a letter signed and sealed from their Local Lodge Recording Secretary attesting the Member is in accordance with the above requirements.
Both these letters must be forwarded to the DL140 ST, by the end of the day Wednesday, May 31, 2023
The Executive Board, along with the PDGC will then appoint a member to the vacant position, the term
will begin on June 05, 2023 and end on October 19, 2023, there will be a nomination and election for the Executive Board Eastern Region Air Transport position at the 2023 District 140 Convention.
In Solidarity,
Alfredo Acrobati
Transportation District Lodge 140, IAMAW