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Local Lodge News

Vacation Bids

   Hey everyone!  The YEG vacation bids have once again changed!!!  They will now be on Dec. 8th and 9th.  YYC vacation bids are still not agreed upon yet.  Continue looking for further updates!  Thanks […]

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Local Lodge News

YEG Bids!!

  Hello Everyone!  I have posted the YEG bids.  To access them please place your cursor over tools and follow the drop down menus.  I do not know the accurate phone number yet so do […]

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Local Lodge News

The shifts are posted!

Hey everyone!  I have just the shifts on the website currently… I do not have the bid times as of yet.  Please carefully look over the shifts and if you notice any errors or strange […]

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Local Lodge News

Load Sheet Signing

   Hey everyone.  There has been a massive amount of confusion over the double signing of load sheets.  Here is the response from District Lodge 140.  Please read carefully… We do not need people being disciplined […]