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Local Lodge News


Hello all maintenance people!  Just for your information I have created a CIRB/Transition page which I will put under the Tools section of the toolbar.  Please feel free to look at that for updated information. 

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Local Lodge News

Organizing Committee

Hey everyone!  We are currently looking for volunteers for an organization committee.  This is for people who are interested in seeking out new membership into the union.  Talk to the shop committee or any shop […]

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Local Lodge News

YYC Vacation Bids

  Hey everybody!  The vacation bids are now up.  Please look them over and note if there are any discrepancies.  Thanks!  Please note: Leads, Agents Round 1 is December 15.  Round 1 for the Stats […]

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Local Lodge News

Backfill Book

  Hey everyone!  I have most of the backfill book completed…  You can now look at all full time shifts.  You will not have the ability to see how many people have signed up yet.  […]