Negotiation Update
Hey Everyone…. Please read this update on the negotiations… I am afraid it isn’t good news. Please read the bulletin carefully!! Negots Bulletin
Hey Everyone…. Please read this update on the negotiations… I am afraid it isn’t good news. Please read the bulletin carefully!! Negots Bulletin
Hey Everyone… The company has assumed the control of the backfill book again. It is NO LONGER online. The backfill book is a blue binder in Estuardo’s office. Sorry for any inconvenience. If it is […]
Hey everyone! Here is a posting regarding the election results from November 17! Thank you to everyone making time to come out and vote! Election Results
Hey everyone! Anyone interested in becoming a strike captain please read the following posting! Strike Captain Bulletin
Please note the following BULLETINS regarding the upcoming elections: Election Bulletins 2011 Election Positions 2011 Nomination forms for Shop Committee/Shop Stewards Aveos nomination form Servisair Negotiations Representative Polling Hours
Please read the following post from the President of LL1681 regarding AVEOS Negots Reps!! AVEOS Tech Ops Representatives Needed
Please read the following posting!! This is one example of the path the company has chosen to take! Training Relief Shift Injustice
Hey Everyone! Just to keep you informed please note that the July/August monthly Union meetings will be cancelled. This shouldn’t be a problem with Negots because it seems they will be resuming August 8/2011. If […]
Hey Everyone! Please read the following Teplitsky order. It is very important that you remain working. Please read Arbitrator Teplitsky’s order! Thank you! Teplitsky Order
Hello Everyone! At 22:00 on Monday, June 13th, the CAW will be walking off the job if no deal is met. This is hard times for everybody and especially hard for our CAW brothers and sisters. […]
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