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Local Lodge News

Volume: 1 Issue: 1 January 2015

Attached is a copy of our newsletter, the “Northern Crossroads Connector”! As this is our first attempt at a monthly newsletter, any feedback from the membership would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy! January_2015

Local Lodge News

DL140 Bulletin004 – Distribution of Funds Under September 12, 2012 Arbitration Decision IMPORTANT MESSAGE

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Transportation District 140 of the IAMAW intended to distribute certain surplus funds that remain in its possession as a result of a September 12, 2012 Arbitration Decision that assigned $55M to […]

Local Lodge News

DL140 Bulletin003 – Low Cost Carrier Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Further to Bulletin 035 issued on October 28th, 2014, confidential mediation meetings with Arbitrator/Mediator Ready were suspended after the September 30th, 2014 meeting pending the disclosure and provision of a number […]

Local Lodge News

Edmonton Cargo Bids

Dear Brothers and Sisters: As you are aware there has been an ongoing dispute with Air Canada Cargo with regards to the amount of vacation blocks allocated for the Station Attendants for the calendar year […]