February 23, 2023
Dear Brothers & Sisters:
As was previously communicated in Bulletin No. 002, the election of delegates to the DL 140 Convention will be held on the date of the April general meeting (April 4th, 2023). The 23rd Annual Convention is scheduled to be held in Montreal at the DoubleTree By Hilton Hotel on Tuesday October 17th and Wednesday October 18th, 2023.
Our lodge will be sending three (3) delegates. The following members have been nominated:
Brother Colin Bunner, Brother Eljay Camponi, Brother Russ Dillon, Brother Tyler Englert, & Brother Rene Grenon
Polling stations will be located at the Renaissance Edmonton Airport Hotel (4236 36 St EIA, AB) and the Calgary Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel (2008 Airport Rd NE, Calgary, AB). The polls will be open from 0730-2030 hrs.
Article II Section 3 of the IAM&AW Constitution outlines the scenarios whereby a member is entitled to vote via an absentee ballot. Eligible members may request an absentee ballot by completing the attached form and delivering either in-person or by email to: rdillon@iamaw1681.ca. All requests must be received by the Recording Secretary not later than March 21st, 2023. All requests will be validated. We encourage all eligible members in good standing to make their voice count, by casting a ballot.
In Solidarity,
Eljay Camponi
New information has been provided regarding the 2023 District Convention in Montreal. Check out below for all the details!
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Please be advised that the 23rd Annual IAMAW Transportation District 140 Convention will be held
at the following location:
The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
6700 Trans-Canada Highway
Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 1C2
(514) 697-7110
The convention dates are Tuesday, October 17, 2023 and Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
Travel days to YUL: Monday, October 16, 2023.
Travel days from YUL: Thursday, October 19, 2023.
There will be a registration fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per person. Payment must be
made by July 31, 2023.
Payment of the registration fee shall be made payable to;
IAMAW Transportation District 140
3900 Cote Vertu Blvd. Cote Vertu, Suite 202
St-Laurent, QC, Canada, H4R 1V4
More Information will be provided in the upcoming months.
In Solidarity,
Alfredo Acrobati,
Secretary Treasurer
Transportation District 140, IAMAW
Chers confrères et consœurs :
Nous vous vous informe que le 23ieme congrès annuel de du district de transport 140 AIMTA se
tiendra à l’endroit suivant:
L’hôtel DoubleTree par Hilton
6700, autoroute Transcanadienne
Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 1C2
(514) 697-7110
Les dates du congrès sont le mardi 17 octobre 2023 et le mercredi 18 octobre 2023.
Jours de voyage à YUL : lundi 16 octobre 2023.
Jours de voyage depuis YUL : jeudi 19 octobre 2023.
Les frais d’inscription au congrès seront de cent cinquante dollars (150,00 $) par personne. Le
paiement doit être effectué avant le 31 juillet 2023.
Le paiement des frais d’inscription doit être fait à l’ordre de;
District des transports 140 de l’AIMTA
3900 Boul. Côte Vertu, bureau 202
St-Laurent, QC, Canada, H4R 1V4
De plus amples informations seront fournies dans les mois à venir.
In Solidarity,
Alfredo Acrobati,
District de transport 140, AIMTA