Calgary Coordinators Phone 403-880-2589

Kurt Leukefeld –

Julia Cracknell

Edmonton Coordinators Phone 403-880-2589

Adele van Arkens

Tyler Englert

What is an Employee Assistance Program?

Very simply, it is just what it sounds like – assistance to employees. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 
is an employee benefit program, which ideally is supported by both labour and management, that provides 
confidential, professional assistance to help employees and their families resolve personal difficulties.

The EAP program is utilized by the membership on a strictly voluntary basis. Also, the employee has a
 choice of which EAP co-ordinator they wish to connect with. The Union and its Representatives encourage 
and motivate the membership to seek help through a confidential assistance program.

Outside the workplaces serviced by Local Lodge 1681, the program can be recognized by different names e.g. 
Member Assistance Program (MAP), Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP), but they all have 
the same objectives. These being: Retain valued employees; Restore our membership to wellness and
 maintain gainful employment; Motivate our brothers and sisters to seek help through confidential 
program; Provide appropriate resources to the employee in order for them to resolve their
 problems; Provide follow-up for troubled employees.

Principals of the EAP

  • Not intended to interfere with or in the private lives of employees.
  • Employee is responsible for own job performance.
  • Employee is responsible for own personal problems.
  • Getting early help for the troubled employee.
  • Use of EAP program does not threaten job security or promotional opportunities.

Does not engage in union or company politics – remains neutral & 

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