Local NDP Candidates

Here is the contact information of some local NDP candidates running in the May Provincial election.

If any member has the time to volunteer to assist with their campaign, it would be greatly appreciated by the candidates.

Jamie Kleinsteuber
Calgary-Northern Hills
Email: jamiekleinsteuber@albertandp.ca
Phone: (403) 219-8183
Office location: 3132 26 St NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6Z1

Marc Chikinda
Calgary-Mountain View
Email: marcchikinda@albertandp.ca
Phone: (403) 689-6007
Office location: 1012 16 Ave NW Calgary, AB T2M 0K5

Ricardo Miranda
Email: ricardomiranda@albertandp.ca
Phone: (403) 219-8183
Office location: 3132 26 St NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6Z1

Stephanie McLean
Email: stephaniemclean@albertandp.ca
Phone: (403) 689-6007
Office location: 1012 16 Ave NW Calgary, AB T2M 0K5

Joe Ceci
Email: joececi@albertandp.ca
Phone: (587) 296-7210
Office location: 1006 9 Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 0S7