Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Apparently there was a misinterpretation in regards to the previous bulletin that was issued regarding a meeting between
Transportation District 140 and Air Canada.
This bulletin is being issued in an attempt to clear up any misconception or confusion that may have been caused by the
previous bulletin.
Your Union met October 28, 2014 with Senior Labour Relations management in an attempt to resolve some outstanding
The issues that were discussed ranged from the resignation of the Chief Arbitrator and how we deal with grievances and
disciplines on a going forward basis in an expedited manner, to the company advising us that they are now putting a limit
on shift changes.
Shift changes are not part of the Collective Agreement and are approved by the company, as such there is also a benefit
to the company to have shift trades in place.
The company took the opportunity during this meeting to advise us that certain employees have a large imbalance in
regards to days worked versus days owed. Therefore, the company will now be applying a ceiling on how many
outstanding shifts a member can have at one given time.
As the company implements their new ESS Timekeeping System across the country, shift trades along with all the other
processes will be programmed into the system.
On a going forward basis, the company will limit the amount of outstanding hours that you can accrue to plus or minus five
hundred and twenty (520) hours. If you are in excess of this number the system will not allow you to shift trade.
To be clear, mutual shift trades will add zero to the total, and as members take time off this will increase or decrease their
total. Should a member reach either maximum they will only be allowed to shift trade to reduce that number. The
members will start at a zero balance on the date the company implements the admin system in their city. We do not have
those dates at this time.
Please be advised that the Union is filing a grievance regarding this issue.
Transportation District 140 is issuing the bulletin as information to our membership.
In solidarity,
Tony Didoshak
General Chairperson