See the winning photographs from last year and full contest details below!
Dear IAM Members:
Members of the IAM are a diverse lot. You come from different geographic locations, represent a rainbow of ethnicities and national origins, and speak different languages. You work in a vast array of occupations, work hard to earn your paycheck and you’re good at what you do. YOU are the IAM!
To celebrate the working men and women of the IAM, each year we like to showcase your skills in the IAM Calendar. Who better to capture the essence of your job than you? Each month of the calendar is a winning entry from the IAM Photography Contest – pictures taken by IAM members of IAM members at
different IAM workplaces or in the community.
Needless to say, we can’t have an IAM Calendar without you. Enter the 2023 IAM Photography Contest today! Photos entered in this year’s contest will be featured in the 2024 calendar. First, Second, Third Place and Honorable Mention photos will also be awarded cash prizes.
We’re proud that $2 from the sale of each IAM Calendar goes directly to Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines, an IAM-supported organization that has always provided free guide dogs and training for the visually impaired and now with the new merger, also offers services for veterans, individuals with
autism and those in need of animal-assisted intervention or therapy.
So get out your camera or smartphone and go capture your fellow members at work or perfoming community service. Your entry in the IAM Photography Contest will make the 2024 IAM Calendar the most successful yet.
Good luck!
In solidarity,
Robert Martinez Jr.
International President