Election Results
Hello all! Sorry about the late posting of the election results! Please click the link to see the posting! Election Results
Hello all! Sorry about the late posting of the election results! Please click the link to see the posting! Election Results
Hi everybody! Please note that the times have been readjusted for the remainder of the Station Attendant bid for Monday December 9/2013. Also, the GHO will be bid the afternoon of December 9/2013 as well. […]
Hello all! Please come out and say hello, goodbye and good luck to people who are retiring! Please click the link below for details. Retirement Party
Hello all, The winter shafts are up. See you on bid day which is October 2nd and 3rd.
It is with great sadness that I must inform all of you that Giovanni (Johnny) Nania passed away on Monday, July 15/2013. Funeral details are in the posting below: Giovanni NANIA Obituary
Please read the following posting from Brother Chris Hiscock: Pension Communication Update
Hey everyone! Swing by the Union office and see Kent or myself to sign up for IAM hats if you want one. It should be $18 per hat and we have some sample hats in […]
To the membership of Local Lodge 1681, Please take some time to read this article from our friend Christopher Hiscock, President of Local Lodge 764, regarding the BC Provincial Election. I believe you will […]
Please read the following bulletin regarding the GroupMe app. Please consider all things you write on the internet. GroupMe Chatter
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